24 Things That No Longer Matter Once You Reach a Certain Age

24 Things That No Longer Matter Once You Reach a Certain Age

What you care about when you’re twenty-three might not be on your mind at age forty-three. Changing your tastes and interests is a natural part of aging, and in many cases, it’s actually a very good thing. The benefits of growing up and getting old might include more confidence, fewer arguments, and more comfortable shoes. …

9 Answers to Why Americans Are Becoming Less Religious

9 Answers to Why Americans Are Becoming Less Religious

An increasing number of Americans are stepping away from church and prayer. The surge in secularism can be attributed to various factors, including improved access to education and shifting political landscapes. Whether or not the fall of religion is good or bad is in the eye of the beholder. Religion in Decline Data from Pew…

15 Death Row Facts That Aren’t Common Knowledge

15 Death Row Facts That Aren’t Common Knowledge

The death penalty is a controversial issue in the United States. Polls suggest that most Americans support it, but a majority also worry about the way states carry it out.  From concerns about the conditions death row inmates face to fears of wrongful executions, many Americans harbor worries about the death penalty. Research by the…

15 Most Atheistic or Non-Religious Countries in the World

15 Most Atheistic or Non-Religious Countries in the World

The number of non-religious citizens is on the rise globally, but secularism is more deeply rooted in some countries than in others. One significant factor contributing to this trend is state-sponsored religious restrictions. While a decline in religion often correlates with greater prosperity, some of the least religious countries in the world continue to face…

24 Words Americans Amost Always Mispronounce. Are You Among Them?

24 Words Americans Amost Always Mispronounce. Are You Among Them?

English is a tough language to speak, and sometimes, a single word can be challenging through and through. Certain letters and sounds have no business being next to each other. But nevertheless, they sit side-by-side. From rural to erinaceous, the words on this list are enough to make any American’s tongue twist. 1: Anemone An…

Regret-Proof Your Future. 17 Actions Every Young Adult Should Take

Regret-Proof Your Future. 17 Actions Every Young Adult Should Take

Most of us have heard someone say, “Live with no regrets.” But in reality, according to science, regret serves a purpose in our lives. This fact is especially true when we’re young and have time to correct our mistakes. By implementing practices like the ones on this list, you might be able to save yourself…