States Where Generous Tips Are Statistically Harder to Come By

States Where Generous Tips Are Statistically Harder to Come By

Tipping used to be a feel-good gesture. But in 2024, many Americans feel pressured to tip in situations where it was previously unnecessary, and in amounts that are hard to swallow. According to USA TODAY, the average tip Americans leave across the country is 18%. Nevertheless, residents in several states unapologetically leave well below that….

Why Moving to Florida Might Not Be All It’s Cracked Up to Be

Why Moving to Florida Might Not Be All It’s Cracked Up to Be

Moving to the Sunshine State can be a dream come true. But nothing is perfect, and even Florida residents who love their new state can have regrets. As a former Florida transplant, these are some of the most common situations I experienced or heard from fellow transplants that they wish they’d known sooner. 1: Job…

Guinness Record Foods Eaten in 30 Seconds or Less

Guinness Record Foods Eaten in 30 Seconds or Less

Competitive eating has been around for a while, with the first recording of Nathan’s Famous hot dog eating contest being held in 1972. Since then, people around the world have set records for eating copious amounts of food in short time frames. Among the most impressive speed eaters are those who eat unfathomable amounts of…

Breaking Down the Truths Behind Common Stereotypes of American Tourists

Breaking Down the Truths Behind Common Stereotypes of American Tourists

Many Americans unknowingly act in ways that pinpoint them as an American tourist when they’re abroad. I’ve been in those shoes. Now that I have over a decade of experience traveling, I’ve developed a keen eye for these funny (and sometimes cringe-worthy) American tourist clichés. Here are some of the top contenders. 1: Everything Old…

The Rich and the Rest—Wealthiest and Poorest States in the USA

The Rich and the Rest—Wealthiest and Poorest States in the USA

Some states have a reputation for being well-off. Others are known for having lower incomes. But how do Americans’ perceptions of wealthy and poor states measure up to cold hard data? World Population Review took on the task of ranking states according to each state’s gross domestic product (GDP). That means they honed in on…

Foods That Americans Find Gross But the World Can’t Get Enough Of

Foods That Americans Find Gross But the World Can’t Get Enough Of

Ask any traveler, and they’ll tell you this: Trying new foods is one of the best parts about traveling. But no matter how adventurous the person, some foods cross the grossness line. From animals in wine to half-developed animals in shells, these are some of the foods that Americans turn up their noses to but…

How Rude Is Your State? Ranking America’s Rudest States From 1 to 50

How Rude Is Your State? Ranking America’s Rudest States From 1 to 50

Stephanie Tanner’s iconic “How rude!” line from the 1987 sitcom Full House is a phrase that some Americans use more than they’d like to. According to data by Zippia, while some states are brimming with kindness, others could definitely use a crash course in basic manners. Zippia analyzed data from the following four categories to…

Cities Where Unhappiness Is Taking Hold in America

Cities Where Unhappiness Is Taking Hold in America

Feeling happy is a core part of human desire. No matter how many people say that happiness comes from within, some environments are undoubtedly more conducive to a happier life than others. Studies show that happiness is derived from two main factors: Endogenic, which is biological and cognitive, and exogenic, which is behavioral, economic, and…

6 Hidden Florida Beaches Locals Don’t Want You to Know About

6 Hidden Florida Beaches Locals Don’t Want You to Know About

With so many people flocking to Florida’s popular beach spots like Clearwater and Miami, it can be hard to find a peaceful place to relax. So, what if you could enjoy a beach vacation without the roar of thousands of tourists? These secret spots exist. Here are some of Florida’s hidden beaches that will make…