10 Least and Most Expensive States Doing a Number on American Bank Accounts

10 Least and Most Expensive States Doing a Number on American Bank Accounts

Inflation is cooling down. But as many Americans are realizing, that doesn’t correspond with a decrease in the cost of goods. So, some are looking for a cheaper state to move to. Forbes Advisor ran a study to determine the cheapest states to live in and those where hard-earned dollars don’t go as far. They…

Survey Shows Key Insights Into How Debt Impacts Our Mental Health

Survey Shows Key Insights Into How Debt Impacts Our Mental Health

Americans collectively owe $16,960,000,000,000 in debt. That’s $16.9 trillion, if all those zeros are making your head spin. It’s no secret that debt affects the mental health of many Americans. But not all of it affects us the same, according to an Innerbody survey. Mental Health’s Role Innerbody.com conducted a survey to assess how different…

9 Times in History When Gas Prices Spiked to Crazy High Levels

9 Times in History When Gas Prices Spiked to Crazy High Levels

Gas prices are a foe for many American consumers. Though they occasionally drop to manageable levels, they seem to be heading in the wrong (higher) direction most of the time.  The strife Americans feel every time they pull up to the pump is nothing new. Gas prices have had peaks and valleys since World War…

19 Things Middle-Class Americans Won’t Be Able To Afford 5 Years From Now

19 Things Middle-Class Americans Won’t Be Able To Afford 5 Years From Now

If current financial trends continue, the American middle class may find certain once-affordable items slipping out of reach. In the next five years, the costs of housing, healthcare, and transportation could surpass the average American household’s budget. Though this trend is troubling, there are things that can help, like solid financial planning and changes to…

10 American Towns Ideal for Digital Nomads and Remote Workers

10 American Towns Ideal for Digital Nomads and Remote Workers

Many Americans that used to work in an office are now settling down in places they previously couldn’t consider, including small and midsize towns across the United States. These spots, dubbed “zoom towns,” have recently seen a big increase their population.  Financial technology company SmartAsset gathered data on the best zoom towns in the United…

10 Cities Where a $100k Salary Has the Most Value

10 Cities Where a $100k Salary Has the Most Value

Many Americans would consider themselves lucky to make $100,000 a year, which is about 25% above the median household income. However, $100k might not go very far in certain parts of the United States. A SmartAsset study revealed where a $100,000 salary stretches the furthest among the biggest cities in America. Falling Short  To see…