15 Foods That Are Ultra-Toxic Before You Cook Them. Kitchen Rookies, Take Note

When you think of toxic foods, you probably imagine exotic dishes you’ll never come in contact with, at least not without a lot of effort on your part. But what if we told you many of the toxic foods on this list are probably in your fridge or pantry right now? 

Believe it or not, many of the things we eat are poisonous before we cook them. Roasting, steaming, mashing, and other forms of cooking render many toxins harmless. However, if you were to bite into some of your favorite foods raw, you could run into major problems. 

So before you sit down to your next meal, read this list. We can almost promise you’ll be surprised by at least a few of the items on it. 

1: Potatoes

Photo Credit: Brent Hofacker via stock.adobe.com.

The humble potato may seem like one of the tamest items in the produce aisle, but don’t underestimate this starchy tuber. Uncooked taters contain toxic compounds called glycoalkaloids. 

Once you mash, roast, fry, or steam potatoes, they’re perfectly safe to eat. They also taste a whole lot better. 

2: Yucca

Photo Credit: simonmayer via stock.adobe.com.

Call it cassava if you prefer, but regardless of its name, this African tuber needs to be properly prepared. Raw, it contains a cyanide derivative, making it extremely toxic to humans. 

You’ll almost never find raw cassava in U.S. stores. By the time this plant gets to America, it’s typically steamed, mashed, fried, or otherwise stripped of its poisonous elements. 

4: Rhubarb

Photo Credit: nadin333 via stock.adobe.com.

If you’re a fan of rhubarb, you’re not alone. According to TasteWise, this vegetable is growing in popularity. 

Before you add it to your summer garden, though, you should be aware that only the stalks are cooked and used in recipes. Rhubarb leaves are incredibly poisonous and can cause breathing difficulties. 

5: Lima Beans

Photo Credit: Brent Hofacker via stock.adobe.com.

We’re not sure why you would want to eat a raw lima bean, but just in case you ever get curious, you should know that they’re poisonous. The reason? Raw lima beans contain a compound called linamarin. 

If swallowed, linamarin breaks down into cyanide. To avoid poisoning yourself, cook lima beans before you take a bite. 

6: Wild Mushrooms

Photo Credit: Howard via stock.adobe.com.

You probably already know that some raw mushrooms are poisonous, and some are deadly. What you might not realize is that even the ones you can safely eat typically need to be cooked first. 

You can eat the raw button mushrooms you see in grocery stores without any problem, but if you’re picking up a wild variety from your local farmer’s market, make sure you prepare them properly. Raw wild mushrooms can cause everything from annoying rashes to more serious gastrointestinal illnesses

7: Chicken 

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Chicken isn’t something anyone consumes raw for good reasons. Raw chicken often contains Campylobacter, Salmonella, or Clostridium perfringens. You don’t have to know how to pronounce those bacteria names to know that they can make you sick.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates one million people get sick from undercooked chicken every year. Avoid being part of that statistic by cooking yours to at least 165 degrees. 

8: Pork

Photo Credit: Helga via stock.adobe.com.

Unlike many animals that humans consume, pigs eat both plants and other meat sources. Unfortunately for us, their varied diet makes them susceptible to terrifying toxins like Trichinella spiralis. 

Trichinella spiralis is a parasite that survives low cooking temperatures and will happily infect the human body. It can cause fever, headache, eye swelling, and even breathing problems. Severe infections can be life-threatening. 

9: Elderberries

Photo Credit: Oleh Marchak via stock.adobe.com.

The demand for elderberries is currently skyrocketing in large part because of the COVID-19 pandemic. During the pandemic, many touted elderberries’ immune-boosting effects. 

Before you jump on the elderberry trend, though, you should know something: Elderberries are extremely poisonous when raw. So, be sure to boil them thoroughly before consuming them. 

10: Pufferfish

Photo Credit: Macus via stock.adobe.com.

In Japan, pufferfish is called fugu, and it’s a beloved menu item at many restaurants. However, chefs must have a license to cook it. 

Pufferfish contains deadly poison in its liver, intestines, and ovaries. If consumed, it’s 1,200 times more deadly than cyanide, and every year, people meet their demise after enjoying improperly prepared pufferfish. 

11: Bitter Almonds

Photo Credit: 4F.MEDIA via stock.adobe.com.

Bitter almonds contain small amounts of cyanide, and eating too many of them is sure to cause you problems. The good news? Roasting or otherwise cooking almonds neutralizes their toxic elements. 

If you’re in the U.S., you shouldn’t have to worry about consuming raw bitter almonds because they’re illegal for vendors to sell. However, in certain parts of Europe, they’re available to the public. 

12: Shark 

Photo Credit: Marc Jedamus via stock.adobe.com.

Hákarl is a traditional Icelandic dish made from cured Greenland shark. Aged shark meat is an acquired taste, to be sure, and few people outside of Iceland eat it. 

As it turns out, the aging and curing process is what makes the Greenland shark edible. Uncured, it contains high levels of urea and trimethylamine oxide, which could leave you feeling intoxicated after just a few bites. 

13: Nutmeg

Photo Credit: oksix via stock.adobe.com.

Many people add a hint of nutmeg to baked goods, and that’s perfectly fine. But if you have raw nutmeg in your house, you should never consume more than a very small amount. 

Raw nutmeg contains myristicin, which is a neurotoxin. It can cause hallucinations as well as other mental side effects. 

14: Cashews

Photo Credit: thanin via stock.adobe.com.

Here’s a tough one to swallow: Cashews labeled “raw” in the store aren’t truly raw. All cashew sellers heat the nuts before packaging them because cashews contain toxins that humans should never consume. 

Every cashew has a double shell that contains phenolic resin, anacardic acid, and urushiol. If any of these were to remain on the cashew you ate, you’d experience serious health problems. So, cashew producers heat the nuts to ensure any toxins are rendered harmless. 

15: Ackee Fruit 

Photo Credit: Sevenstock Studio via stock.adobe.com.

Alright, technically, you don’t have to cook ackee fruit to get rid of its toxins, but you do have to ensure it’s prepared properly. Ackee fruit is a popular Jamaican fruit and it can be delicious. 

However, before consuming it, you have to ensure it’s perfectly ripe. Unripe ackee fruit can cause “Jamaican Vomiting Sickness,” which can lead to coma or even death. 

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Photo Credit: Mediaphotos via stock.adobe.com.

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