14 Life Lessons Americans Learn When They Get Older
Youth has many perks, but there’s one undeniable benefit of growing older: wisdom.
Combining personal experience and insights from others who’ve been around the block, Mindfully American put together this list of valuable life truths many Americans report learning once they have several decades under their belts.
1: Nobody Knows What They’re Doing

If you’re young enough to feel like you have nothing figured out but think older adults do, you have a rude awakening on the way. No matter how old one is, they’re often winging it at life. Even people in charge are usually learning along the way.
2: Fleeting Moments

Even though it may seem it when you’re younger, nothing lasts forever, and nothing will ever be the same. Your favorite vacation spot you visited as a child? It likely looks a whole lot different than it did back then. Even the earth is always changing; Pangea, anyone?
3: Fast Track

Ferris Bueller famously said life comes at you fast. And many older people would agree. While hours and days can feel long, the years go by fast when you look back on them.
4: Dance Like Nobody’s Watching

Self-consciousness tends to go by the wayside as one ages. In most cases, strangers don’t pay any attention to you. So, many older people learn to live their lives how they want without caring what others think.
5: Raised Right

How a person perceives their parents often changes with age, especially those who have parents who live a long life. A child’s parents’ actions and choices may appear smarter or less smart as the person becomes older and gains more life experiences.
6: Material World

Memories and experiences often become more valuable than material things with age. On top of that, memories evolve with time, so it’s best to write something down while it’s fresh in your mind if you want to remember exactly how something went.
7: Sleep On It

Babies and children take naps during the day, and it appears that, in that sense, life becomes full circle. As one gets older, naps often make a comeback as part of one’s daily routine.
8: Dishwasher Unsafe

What you can and can’t put into the dishwasher becomes second nature to many as they age. Watching a younger person place a cast iron skillet in the dishwasher is nothing short of cringe-worthy.
9: All in This Together

Whether you think you’re a genius or not, one thing is certain: Everyone can’t be good at everything. Older people often learn to lean into the talents they have and not fret as much over those they don’t.
10: Live in the Moment

It may be a harsh truth, but as people age, a common lesson many learn is that no one is entitled to anything. Hard work is what pays off.
11: Call Mom

While it depends on the circumstance, they say mother knows best, and that’s a hard pill for some youngsters to swallow. As many people grow up, they realize Mom was right about things their former self never believed were true.
12: Focus On Yourself

Many people give social anxiety the boot with age. Unless you’re acting completely out-of-line, most people don’t notice you or care what you’re doing.
13: Noticeably Younger

It’s one thing to stop and realize how old you’re getting. But on the flip side, the older one gets, the younger and more immature young adults often appear. So much for feeling like you were all grown up at 18 years old.
14: Valid Complaints

One’s golden years aren’t all sunshine and roses. Back pain and other body aches are common occurrences the older people get. While the youth may think they’re lucky for not having pain, a lot of it comes down to the biology of their age more than luck.
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