24 Unpopular Opinions That Totally Make Sense

If something is popular enough to argue about, both sides probably have a point. These opinions might not be those of most Americans, but that doesn’t mean they’re not worth thinking about. Each of these unpopular takes offers unique insight that many of us don’t stop to consider. 

1: Money Can Buy Happiness

Photo Credit: Peter Kim via stock.adobe.com.

The old adage states that money can’t buy happiness, but that’s not entirely true. At least one study showed giving people more money significantly increased their reported levels of happiness. 

2: Marriage Is More About Business Than Love

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The success and popularity of arranged marriages around the world make it seem like there’s far more to a successful relationship than just love. One 2012 study showed the average divorce rate for arranged marriages was only 4%. During the arrangement process, elder family members often treat the proposed nuptials like a business agreement, even asking for bank statements. 

3: Eating Alone Is Ideal

Photo Credit: Lategan/peopleimages.com via stock.adobe.com.

Eating with others is commonly accepted as better than eating alone. However, there is an upside to solo dining. If you’re eating alone, you have full control over what you eat, how much you consume, and how long you spend consuming it. 

4: Gifts as a “Love Language” Is Just Greed in Disguise

Woman holding a gift.
Photo Credit: Rido via stock.adobe.com.

“The 5 Love Languages” is a popular book by Gary Chapman that aims to help romantic partners connect. One of the “love languages” is giving gifts, and many people identify with it. However, if you only “feel the love” when your partner gives you something, it could be that you’re just greedy. 

5: You Should Keep Secrets From Your Partner

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Many relationship gurus will tell you that keeping secrets is a surefire way to kill a relationship. However, privacy isn’t necessarily a bad thing. For example, keeping the explicit details of your former relationships to yourself is probably a good idea. 

6: Communism Is the Best Form of Government 

Great Wall of China.
Photo Credit: yuri_yavnik via stock.adobe.com.

It’s yet to fully work in practice and critics argue that it can’t, given the nature of humans, but in theory, communism is a sort of paradise. Everyone working and being paid based on their needs and abilities sounds ideal, which is probably why so many countries have tried it. 

7: Having Kids Should Require a License

Young kids raising their hands in school.
Photo Credit: Halfpoint via stock.adobe.com.

It sounds silly at first, but having kids is one of the biggest responsibilities a human can take on. We require a license to drive a car, work in healthcare, and become an accountant, but there’s no knowledge necessary to be a parent, which is actually a little strange. 

8: Peace Would Be Boring

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People say they want peace, but is that true? Movie producers, writers, and marketing professionals all know that humans love conflict, whether we admit it or not. 

9: Receiving Is Better Than Giving

Child surprising her mom with a gift.
Photo Credit: Davide Angelini via stock.adobe.com.

We all know the saying that it’s better to give than to receive, but sometimes it’s nice to be on the receiving end. Sure, giving to someone in need can make you feel all warm and fuzzy, but most people also feel great when they’re handed a gift they’ve been wanting. 

10: Your Career Is More Important Than Most Relationships

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Putting your career before your spouse or your kids might not be a good move, but your work probably does outweigh most other relationships. If you choose to hang out with your friends over doing your job time and time again, you probably won’t have a job much longer. 

11: Paris Isn’t That Great

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Paris is beautiful in pictures and movies. However, there are many downsides to the French city. It’s expensive, packed with tourists, and, like any major city, it has its fair share of crime

12: Making the Bed Is Pointless

Unmade bed.
Photo Credit: VTT Studio via stock.adobe.com.

Many people start the day by making their bed, but there are a vocal few who insist the ritual is pointless. And they might be onto something. After all, you’re just going to crawl into it again that night. 

13: Christmas Is the Worst Holiday

Santa Claus.
Photo Credit: opolja via stock.adobe.com.

Christmas is a major holiday that many people consider their favorite. However, a survey from the American Psychological Association (APA) showed that 58% of Americans experience significant financial stress during the holidays, and over a third miss lost loved ones.

14: The Beach Isn’t Fun

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The beach is a favorite vacation spot for many, but there’s an argument to be made that it’s not that great. Sand in your shoes, hair, and everywhere else doesn’t feel good. And, if you’re prone to sunburns, a beach day can lead to excruciating embarrassment and pain. 

15: Star Wars Isn’t That Good

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The Star Wars movies have many loyal fans, but some argue they’re not that great. Implausible plot twists, shallow character arcs, and weird scene transitions are just a few of the reasons people argue Star Wars fanaticism is all hype. 

16: Beer Is Better at Room Temperature

Friends drinking.
Photo Credit: Guys Who Shoot via stock.adobe.com.

In the U.S., drinking warm beer is frowned upon, but the rest of the world doesn’t feel that way. Many believe beer at room temperature allows you to taste its full flavor. 

17: Android Is Better Than the iPhone

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iPhone loyalists aren’t likely to give up on Apple products, but that doesn’t mean the iPhone is superior. Android phones are less expensive and offer more variety in their features. 

18: Childbirth Isn’t That Painful

Mother feeding her baby with a bottle.
Photo Credit: Felix/peopleimages.com via stock.adobe.com.

Many people cite childbirth as one of the most painful experiences a human can go through. However, according to the American Society of Anesthesiologists, 46% of first-time mothers said the pain they experienced was better than they expected.  

19: The Suburbs Beat the Cities

Mother walking with child down the sidewalk.
Photo Credit: roberjzm via stock.adobe.com.

Lots of people talk about the wonders of living in a big city. While there are advantages to city life, suburban life isn’t as lackluster as many think. Suburbs often feature better schools, lower crime rates, and free parking. 

20: You Can Wash All Your Clothes Together

Photo Credit: LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS via stock.adobe.com.

If you’ve never attempted it, washing your lights and darks in one load might be terrifying. However, many say they’ve done it with no ill effects. 

21: Alcohol Is Bad Even if You Don’t Have a Problem

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If you have a problematic relationship with alcohol, most people agree it’s a good idea to stop drinking or seek help. However, some argue drinking is bad for everyone, and they have a point. Alcohol is technically a toxin,  you don’t need it to live a healthy life, and even consuming moderate amounts contributes to disease risk. 

22: Variety Is Not the Spice of Life

Person shopping at grocery store.
Photo Credit: Piman Khrutmuang via stock.adobe.com.

Adding variety isn’t always a good idea. You might think buying a different box of cereal this week is a great way to mix things up, but if you don’t like the flavor, you’ll quickly regret your choice. 

23: Working Hard Is Overrated

Stressed woman.
Photo Credit: Nadia L/peopleimages.com via stock.adobe.com.

Americans typically value hard work, but working hard all of the time has consequences. A recent report by the APA showed stress and burnout are at an all-time high among Americans. 

24: You Shouldn’t Do What Makes You Happy

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Doing what makes you happy is often synonymous with staying in your comfort zone. Instead, some suggest you should do the things that make you uncomfortable and afraid because that’s where you’ll see the greatest growth. 

25 Common Life Traps Americans Believe

Photo Credit: Adilson via stock.adobe.com.

Sometimes, it takes something external to pull a person out of a cycle of thinking that isn’t healthy for them. These are some of the most common life traps Americans fall into.

25 Common Life Traps Americans Believe

50 Weirdest Laws in Each State

Three ice creams.
Photo Credit: ahirao via stock.adobe.com.

Most Americans are clear on treating thy neighbor as they’d want to be treated to reduce the chance of fines and jail time. But did you know you could be breaking the law by carrying an ice cream cone in your pocket? These are the weirdest laws in each state, most of which courts don’t enforce.

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