25 Discontinued Foods We Miss From the Grocery Aisle

Most of us have felt that hard-to-explain disappointment that comes with realizing your favorite food is no longer in stores. For whatever reason, sometimes even hugely popular products get discontinued, leaving many people with an empty feeling.

We can only hope the products on this list make a nostalgia-inspired reappearance sometime soon. 

1: Eggo Mini Muffin Tops 

Photo Credit: Sarah Rypma via stock.adobe.com.

Eggo claims their mini muffin tops didn’t have enough fans, but many Americans still talk about them. Available in blueberry and chocolate chip, these fluffy breakfast treats are a sorely missed favorite. 

2: Doritos 3D

Photo Credit: Billy F Blume Jr/Shutterstock.com.

In 1998, Doritos launched a puffed-chip line called Doritos 3D. They disappeared from shelves in 2004, but fans of the Bugles-meets-Doritos snack can rejoice. Doritos relaunched their 3D line at the end of 2020. 

3: 3 Musketeers Truffle Crisp

Photo Credit: sheilaf2002 via stock.adobe.com.

The 3 Musketeers Truffle Crisp bar was a regular 3 Musketeers with an added, crunchy truffle layer. While the candy bar had many fans, detractors noted the cookie portion tasted a bit stale, causing 3 Musketeers to pull them from the shelves. 

4: Pepperidge Farm Salad Croutons

Photo Credit: Nitr via stock.adobe.com.

Fans of Pepperidge Farm Salad Croutons described them as having the perfect crunch and just the right amount of seasoning. Unfortunately, this product disappeared without a trace sometime around 2017. 

5: Butterfinger BBs

Photo Credit: jlmcanally via stock.adobe.com.

Butterfinger BBs became an American favorite in 1992, but by 2006, they were gone from store shelves. Fans are still pushing for their return. 

6: Creme Savers

Photo Credit: Anton Gvozdikov via stock.adobe.com.

Many Americans loved Creme Savers, but they disappeared from shelves in 2011. Luckily, the famous sweet and creamy hard candy returned to the stores in the summer of 2021

7: Altoid Sours

Photo Credit: rickusone/Shutterstock.com.

Altoid Sours were flavored like sour fruit, and available in tangerine, raspberry, lime, or mango. Unfortunately, they left American shelves in 2010, seemingly never to return. 

8: Cheetos Twisted Puffs

Photo Credit: Lisa F. Young via stock.adobe.com.

You can still get Cheetos puffs, but the twisted version is officially extinct. To taste these twisted treats you’d need a time machine set for 2012 or earlier. 

9: Dunkaroos

Photo Credit: The Image Party/Shutterstock.com.

Dunkaroos were a classic 90s snack that almost every young millennial enjoyed. Though it disappeared from shelves for several years, the epic cookie and frosting duo is now available again. 

10: Kudos Bars

Photo Credit: Austin via stock.adobe.com.

Kudos Bars have gone the way of AOL Instant Messenger and Boy Meets World. The classic ’90s granola bar spiked with candies, like mini M&Ms, is no longer available. 

11: Snapple Elements

Photo Credit: Dave Willman via stock.adobe.com.

Snapple Elements flavor line disappeared in 2005, but lovers of the light and refreshing beverages can rejoice. Elements made a comeback in 2022. 

12: Keebler Magic Middles

Photo Credit: Mara Zemgaliete via stock.adobe.com.

Fans lost access to Keebler Magic Middles in 2011. Unfortunately, these chocolate and peanut butter-filled cookies appear to be gone for good. 

13: Jell-O Pudding Pops

Photo Credit: ColleenMichaels via stock.adobe.com.

Jell-O Pudding Pops were a classic dessert for ’80s and ’90s kids, but they’re no longer available. Luckily, the internet abounds with copycat recipes, so you can recreate this nostalgic treat at home. 

14: Banana Nut Cheerios

Photo Credit: MCRMfotos via stock.adobe.com.

It seems like banana nut-flavored cereal is a good idea, especially given American’s propensity to top their cereal bowl with sliced bananas. Sadly, though, Banana Nut Cheerios is no longer on American grocery store shelves, and there seem to be no plans to resurrect the beloved flavor. 

15: Swoops

Pile of chocolate.
Photo Credit: nerudol via stock.adobe.com.

Swoops were shaped like Pringle’s potato chips but made to taste like classic Hershey’s candy bars, including Reese’s and Almond Joy.  Though they had many fans, they were pricey, costing significantly more than normal candy bars. Hershey’s chose to discontinue them in 2006. 

16: Wild! MagicBurst Pop-Tarts

Photo Credit: I-Wei Huang via stock.adobe.com.

MagicBurst Pop-Tarts only came in one flavor: Striped Blue Raspberry. The magical blue and white stripes inside the toaster pastry delighted kids at the beginning of the 21st century. 

17: Tato Skins

Photo Credit: Brent Hofacker via stock.adobe.com.

Potato skins in chip form became an American favorite. They were available in Sour Cream N’ Chives and Cheddar N’ Bacon varieties, but they disappeared when Keebler sold off its Tato Skins division in 2000. 

18: Yogos 

Photo Credit: jetcityimage via stock.adobe.com.

Kellog’s Yogos were creamy, fruit-flavored yogurt bites. Though they only sat on shelves for five years, fans are still reminiscing about them. 

19: Cinnamon Tic-Tacs

Photo Credit: Brett via stock.adobe.com.

Cinnamon Tic-Tacs were well-loved and have been available since the 1970s. In 2009, they suddenly disappeared from shelves, leaving cinnamon lovers to wonder what happened to their favorite treat. 

20: Philadelphia Cheesecake Snack Bars

Photo Credit: New Africa via stock.adobe.com.

Enjoying a single-serving cheesecake may be indulgent, but it was also delicious. Sadly, Philadelphia pulled their Cheesecake Snack Bars, supposedly due to manufacturing issues. 

21: Dannon Sprinkl’ns

Photo Credit: Studio Porto Sabbia via stock.adobe.com.

Adding sprinkles to yogurt makes it seem like a celebratory treat. Maybe that’s why there are so many fans of the discontinued Dannon Sprinkl’ns.

22: Quaker Instant Oatmeal Sea Adventures

Photo Credit: hunterpic2013 via stock.adobe.com.

Quaker Instant Oatmeals come in many fun flavors that cater to kids, but their Sea Adventures line no longer exists. When it was available, children and fun-loving adults enjoyed watching their oatmeal turn blue as it warmed. 

23: Waffle Crisp Cereal

Photo Credit: Billy F Blume Jr/Shutterstock.com.

From 2018 to 2020, Waffle Crisp Cereal lovers were in mourning. Luckily, Post Foods brought Waffle Crisp cereal back in limited amounts in 2021. It did so well that they decided to offer it permanently beginning in 2022. 

24: Jif Power Ups

Photo Credit: Keith Homan/Shutterstock.com.

Jif Power-Ups came out in 2018 but only lasted a few years. In February 2020, Smuckers, which makes the famous peanut butter line, stated that they were moving towards a focus on squeezable Jif peanut butter rather than bars. 

25: Squeeze Its 

Photo Credit: WavebreakMediaMicro via stock.adobe.com.

General Mills launched Squeeze Its in 1985, and the fruity drinks quickly became an iconic part of many millennial childhoods. Sadly, Squeeze Its disappeared in 2001 but have made brief reappearances in 2006, 2011, and 2012. 

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Photo Credit: Gary L Hider via stock.adobe.com.

From childhood classics to forgotten chocolates, these treats bring back memories of simpler times. Rediscover the joy of beloved confections that deserve to make a comeback.   

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Photo Credit: asife via stock.adobe.com.

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