15 Things That Are Technically Legal in the U.S. but Frowned Upon

Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should. In the United States, some controversial practices don’t have legal consequences, but they may earn you strange looks from others.

These acts range from inconsiderate and rude to morally or ethically questionable. Some may be harmless, while others can have potentially dangerous consequences.

Read through this list to learn about 15 things that are technically legal but frowned upon in the United States. Consider them to be guidelines that can help you stay within the boundaries of acceptable behavior.

1: Marrying a Cousin

Bride and groom.
Photo Credit: Viktar Vysotski via stock.adobe.com.

Some Americans may be surprised to learn it’s not illegal to marry a first cousin in all states. While the majority of states outlaw first-cousin marriage, it remains legal in over one dozen states.

Some states allow people to marry their cousins without restrictions. Other states put some limitations in place. In Maine, for example, first cousins can only marry if they provide proof of genetic counseling.

2: Cutting in Line

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It’s an age-old conundrum: You’re patiently waiting in a long line when someone cuts ahead of you. Do you say something or let it go?

In the United States, there’s technically no law against cutting in line. But if you do it, expect others to notice (and potentially call you out on it). Many view line cutters to be inconsiderate of those who have waited their turn.

3: Spanking

Sad student.
Photo Credit: Roman Bodnarchuk via stock.adobe.com.

While once widely used as a disciplinary measure, spanking has become stigmatized in recent years. However, corporal punishment in schools is legal in some states.

Some organizations, such as the American Academy of Pediatrics, have come out against spanking in schools, saying it harms students. It’s become less common, but data shows it continues to happen in some areas, particularly in the South. 

4: Driving While Sleepy

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If you get behind the wheel after a poor night of sleep, you’re probably not breaking any laws. Drowsy driving, however, can lead to disastrous consequences, including traffic fatalities.

Currently, only two states, New Jersey and Arkansas, have laws regarding drowsy driving. Both states punish drowsy drivers who cause accidents with injuries or fatalities.

5: Digging Through Someone’s Trash

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One person’s trash is another person’s treasure, right? In some areas, it’s perfectly legal to go through someone else’s trash, as long as you don’t enter their private property to do so.

While dumpster diving may be legal, some people frown upon it, since they view it as a violation of their privacy. Depending on the city or county, dumpster diving may also be illegal on certain properties, such as businesses.

6: Going Barefoot Into Stores

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In the United States, many stores and restaurants have this sign in the window: “No shirt, no shoes, no service.” But is it illegal to walk barefoot into a store?

Most places have no laws against going barefoot in public spaces. However, businesses can set their own rules, so you may get kicked out of an establishment if you walk in without shoes.

7: Taking Up Two Spaces

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When you’re trying to park and you see another car taking up two spots, it may make your blood boil. Some people take up two spaces to protect their cars, while others park over the line and don’t bother to correct the mistake.

In some areas, you can get a ticket for taking up two spaces. Even if it’s legal, taking up multiple spaces may cause other drivers to roll their eyes, sigh in frustration, or even leave you a scathing note on your windshield.

8: Neglecting Dog Waste

Photo Credit: Mary Swift via stock.adobe.com.

Many jurisdictions have laws about picking up after dogs. They’re known as “pooper scooper” laws, and neglecting to follow them can lead to a hefty fine.

However, not all states and cities have laws for picking up pet waste. If your neighbor catches you leaving your dog’s droppings on their lawn, however, you may get a stern reprimand.

9: Excessive PDA

Happy couple.
Photo Credit: Katleho Seisa/peopleimages.com via stock.adobe.com.

In most cases, exhibiting a public display of affection (PDA) with your significant other won’t get you into legal trouble. It’s generally acceptable for couples to hold hands, hug, or kiss in public within reason.

Excessive PDA that takes it beyond those accepted norms, however, can make other people feel uncomfortable. Additionally, some areas have indecency laws that you may be at risk of violating.

10: Trolling Others Online

Criminal on a computer.
Photo Credit: Gorodenkoff via stock.adobe.com.

If you’re on social media, you’re probably familiar with trolls. They’re people who post mean or hurtful comments designed to incite arguments. Recent research has shown harmful effects of trolling, specifically on children and teens.

Trolling by itself isn’t a crime, but that doesn’t make it right. Additionally, some types of trolling, including harassment and threatening language, can be illegal.

11: Loud Phone Calls

Rude person on the phone.
Photo Credit: Daniel L/peopleimages.com via stock.adobe.com.

People who have loud phone conversations in public may annoy those around them. Many consider it disrespectful to hold loud phone conversations in public places, such as the gym, a restaurant, or public transportation.

However, loud phone talkers aren’t breaking any laws. Similarly, people who use the speakerphone setting in public places have the right to do so, no matter how irritated others get.

12: Talking During a Movie

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It’s not illegal to talk during a movie in the theater, but don’t be surprised if other patrons keep telling you to “shush.” Many people consider it disrespectful to talk during a movie.

Along those same lines, resist the urge to check your phone during a movie. The glaring light can take away from others’ movie-going experience.

13: Parking by Someone’s House

Photo Credit: Rawpixel.com via stock.adobe.com.

In many neighborhoods across the United States, homeowners park their cars on the streets in front of their homes. They don’t own those spots, however, since streets are public roadways.

Parking in front of someone else’s home is legal, and many homeowners won’t care if you park in front of their houses occasionally. But if you’re parking in front of another person’s home repeatedly or for long periods, you risk angering the homeowner.

14: Bringing Food Into Restaurants

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There are no laws banning people from bringing food into restaurants. However, it’s generally frowned upon, and individual restaurants may choose to bar you from eating there if you bring in outside food.

Of course, there are exceptions, notably for young children and people with medical conditions. In addition, some restaurants may allow outside food in limited circumstances, such as bringing a birthday cake for a celebration.

15: Stiffing on a Tip

Tipping with a bill.
Photo Credit: K KStock via stock.adobe.com.

There are a lot of questions about proper tipping etiquette in America. Who do you need to tip, and how much is enough?

Turns out, there are no laws regarding tipping in the United States. Stiffing a restaurant server on a tip, however, may earn you a dirty look and judgment from your fellow diners.

50 Weirdest Laws in Each State

Three ice creams.
Photo Credit: ahirao via stock.adobe.com.

Most Americans are clear on treating thy neighbor as they’d want to be treated to reduce the chance of fines and jail time. But did you know you could be breaking the law by carrying an ice cream cone in your pocket? These are the weirdest laws in each state, most of which courts don’t enforce.

50 Weirdest Laws in Each State That’ll Make You Chuckle

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Photo Credit: nito via stock.adobe.com.

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