17 Things That Aren’t Technically Illegal But Americans Feel Guilty About Doing Anyway
America may be the Land of the Free, but that doesn’t mean all of us are comfortable taking advantage of our liberties. There are many situations that are perfectly legal, and yet, we’re racked with guilt when we experience them.
From driving with an open coffee cup to calling out sick when we have the flu, Americans often try to avoid situations that just feel wrong, even when they’re not. Sometimes we even know it’s the right thing to do, and we still feel icky about it.
If you’ve ever felt guilty about not buying something in a store or eating something you didn’t enjoy because you felt weird telling your server, this list is for you. The truth is, almost all of us have felt unnecessary guilt a time or two.
1: Store Samples

Most people love a yummy store sample, but taking one can make you feel awkward. If the person pushing the samples watches you take a bite, you might feel like you have to pretend to like whatever it is, even when you don’t.
Worse still, you might feel like you have to buy the product. We know it’s fine to walk away, but that’s easier said than done.
2: Just Browsing

Just because you enter a store doesn’t mean you need to buy something. Still, more than a few of us have purchased something simply because it feels strange not to.
This is especially true in small, boutique-like stores, where the person behind the counter is often the owner. Walking away empty-handed feels like you’ve directly insulted their business.
3: Police on Your Tail

Your hands are at ten and two, you’re using your blinker, and you’re driving at the speed limit, but you still feel like you’ve done something wrong if a police officer is behind you. Sure, they don’t have their lights and sirens running yet, but every time you see a black-and-white, it feels like it’s only a matter of time.
According to Hawaii University psychologist Leon James, the instinct to drive differently when you see a police car is automatic. He told Pacific Standard Magazine that when he sees a cop on the road, his “first instinct is to hit the brake. Without thinking.”
4: Refunds For Defects

Maybe you realize the cheese you just bought is moldy, or perhaps the bookshelf you purchased is missing a shelf. You know returning it is the right thing to do, but you still feel bad about it.
What if the store clerk thinks you left the cheese out in a warm room or broke the shelf after you purchased it? Thoughts like these make people feel like returning a defective product is wrong.
5: Just Using the Restroom

Many stores offer restrooms that are easy to access, but it feels weird to use them if you’re not buying anything. Running into a Home Depot to use the facilities is better than suffering in your car, but it still feels less than okay.
You might be tempted to buy a hammer or a jigsaw just to make up for the awkwardness. Of course, employees typically don’t care if you’re just stopping by to use the restroom. As long as you don’t leave a mess, it’s usually okay to walk out without a purchase.
6: Calling Out Sick

Calling out sick when you’re not sick is obviously wrong, even though many people do it. Maybe that’s why calling out sick when you are sick also makes you feel guilty.
Many of us know our boss is questioning whether we’re really ill. We might even feel the need to ham it up with a few extra coughs or sneezes.
7: Confronting a Restaurant

If a restaurant mistakes your order, makes something too salty, or otherwise messes things up, you should let them know. After all, you’re paying good money for a nice meal.
Still, confronting a restaurant about something you didn’t enjoy or about a mistake they made feels uncomfortable. Many of us would prefer to suck it up and eat something we didn’t ask for.
8: Driving Alone For the First Time

Before you got your driver’s license, you probably spent months or even years practicing. All of those practice hours were supervised by an experienced driver.
The first time you get in the car without another driver present feels entirely illegal. You spend a lot of those first few minutes certain that you’re going to do something wrong.
9: Turning on a Light in the Car While Driving

There’s a good chance your parents told you to keep the interior lights off while they were driving at least once during your childhood. For many of us, our parents make the point so clearly that we think it’s illegal to do otherwise.
In truth, it’s perfectly legal to use the interior lights while you’re driving at night. However, according to Policy Genius, it can make it harder to see the road.
10: Driving a U-Haul

If you’ve ever rented a U-Haul, you probably had a moment of uneasiness when you sat in the driver’s seat. Sure, they say you don’t need a special license to drive their vehicles, but it sure feels like you should have one.
For many of us, a U-Haul truck is the largest vehicle we’ve ever driven. Taking it onto the highway for a long-distance move without special training or instructions feels like an accident waiting to happen.
11: Leaving The Bathroom Door Open

It’s polite to close the bathroom door before using the facilities. That said, keeping the door shut is obviously a moot point if no one else is in the house.
Still, if you’ve ever tried to leave the bathroom door ajar while home alone, you probably felt weird about it. Keeping the door shut for privacy purposes is deeply embedded in our brains.
12: Keeping Your Shoes on Through Airport Security

Those who traveled significantly in the wake of 9/11 experienced an era of airport security like never before. Taking your shoes off became a requirement at every airport when walking through security, no exceptions.
Though many airports still ask you to remove your shoes, there are times when you aren’t required to. If TSA waves you through without asking you to untie your laces, it may feel like you’re getting away with something.
13: Editing a Contract

Contracts are legal documents, but that doesn’t mean you can’t edit them. If someone sends you a contract to sign, you can make edits before adding your signature.
The contract’s issuer will have to sign off on your edits before the document stands. Still, scratching out lines of a legal document makes many of us feel like we’re on the wrong side of the law.
14: Breaking Banana Bunches

There’s no law requiring you to purchase all the bananas in a bunch. You’re allowed to break off as many as you need and just buy those.
Still, many of us feel weird about breaking up bananas. It may be within the rules, but that doesn’t mean it feels right.
15: Traveling Without a Travel Mug

Have you ever put an open coffee cup in your car’s cup holder? It’s not illegal, but it sure feels like it could be.
Even if the cup is only half full, the coffee only lukewarm, and your drive exceptionally short, something about this practice just seems wrong. While drinking out of a cup may be more enjoyable than a coffee mug, few of us are willing to travel without a lidded mug.
16: Leaving a Restaurant Without Ordering

If you sit down at a restaurant, look at the menu and realize you don’t want anything they’re serving, it’s okay to walk back out. Actually doing this, though, takes courage.
Once you take up a table and someone pours you a glass of water, it can feel like a bit of a hostage situation. Leaving at that point feels so rude that many of us would rather order food we don’t want.
17: Being the First To Leave Work

It’s 5:00 pm and your shift is over, but that doesn’t mean it feels okay to leave. If you’re the first one to the timeclock, you might feel pressure to wait a minute or two.
In America’s work-focused culture, being the first to leave can carry a certain stigma. Many of us would hate to be caught in a hurry to get out of the office, even when we are.
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