24 Menu Items McDonald’s Needs To Bring Back

McDonald’s is known for its creative menu offerings. From spaghetti to lobster rolls, the fast-food giant has experimented with a variety of unique culinary treats.

While some McDonald’s items disappeared for good reasons, many are still fondly remembered and craved by Americans.

1: Snack Wraps

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McDonald’s snack wraps were a customer favorite. Removed from the menu in 2016 due to in-restaurant preparation challenges, these healthy-ish menu options may be due for a comeback. In late 2023, McDonald’s announced they’d be bringing a version of this popular menu item back. 

2: Bubblegum McFlurry

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You would have had to be in Australia at just the right moment in time to experience this McFlurry flavor, but according to fans, you would never have forgotten it. Petitions to bring back the Bubblegum McFlurry (and bring it to the U.S. for the first time) are rampant across the internet. 

3: Cinnamon Rolls

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In July 2023, McDonald’s announced it would be phasing out its bakery items, including the beloved cinnamon roll. Also on the chopping block were fan-favorite blueberry muffins and apple fritters. 

4: Fish McBites

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The McDonald’s kid menu is sorely lacking seafood options these days, but for a few brief months in 2013, Fish McBites were available. Chicken McNugget’s seafood cousin gained a growing following, but it wasn’t enough to impact sales the way McDonald’s had hoped. 

5: BBQ Ranch Burger

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The BBQ Ranch Burger consisted of a beef patty, creamy BBQ ranch sauce, and zesty tortilla chips. It was part of a revamped dollar menu in 2013, and it had its share of fans. Still, many couldn’t quite wrap their heads around tortilla chips on a burger, so McDonald’s removed it from the menu. 

6: Sweet Chili Sauce

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Sweet chili dipping sauce disappeared from McDonald’s restaurants in 2014, to the dismay of many. The sweet and spicy condiment was a favorite for dipping chicken nuggets. 

7: Cinnamon Melts

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Cinnamon melts were a beloved breakfast favorite that sadly left the McDonald’s menu sometime around 2017. Soft, gooey, and smothered in sweet icing, fans are still trying to recreate this McD’s favorite. 

8: Cheddar Melts

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Throughout the late ’80s and early ’90s, McDonald’s offered Cheddar Melts, a sandwich made with a beef patty, grilled onions, and cheddar sauce piled on a rye bun. This menu item is so adored that McDonald’s has brought it back on occasion. We can only hope they do it again. 

9: The McLobster

Photo Credit: James R. Martin/Shutterstock.com.

That’s right, once upon a time, McDonald’s attempted to serve lobster rolls. These weren’t a hit everywhere, but they had their fans, most of whom resided in the Northeast. Today, you can still catch McLobsters seasonally at certain locations along the Atlantic. 

10: McSalad Shakers

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McSalad Shakers are sometimes considered a McDonald’s failure, but some people really adore them. The concept consisted of a salad inside a lidded cup with dressing on the side. The idea was that busy people could add the dressing whenever they had time for lunch, even if it was later in the day, shake it up, and enjoy.  

11: Grilled Chicken Sandwich

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When McDonald’s sales tanked during the COVID-19 pandemic, the company decided to pare down its menu. The grilled chicken sandwich was an unfortunate victim of their pruning efforts. 

12: Chicken Tenders

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Chicken nuggets are delicious, but they also sound a bit youthful. Many thought chicken tenders were a more grown-up choice. Sadly, they went the way of the dinosaurs in 2020. 

13: All-Day Breakfast

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Many were excited when McDonald’s announced it would extend its breakfast hours. Unfortunately, the decision was relatively short-lived, and the mega restaurant chain brought back regular breakfast hours in 2020. 

14: Big N’ Tasty

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The Big N’ Tasty was similar to a Quarter Pounder with mayonnaise instead of mustard. Fans of the burger say it was similar to a Whopper from McDonald’s nemesis, Burger King. Rumor has it you can still find the Big N’ Tasty at certain McDonald’s locations inside U.S. Army bases. 

15: Arch Deluxe

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The Arch Deluxe reportedly cost over $200 million to develop and is often cited as one of the restaurant chain’s most expensive flops. However, many loved the bacon-packed burger and wish it hadn’t been so short-lived. 

16: Fried Apple Pie

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In 1992, McDonald’s decided it was time to fry less food, and apple pie was never the same. Many agree today’s baked apple pie is vastly inferior to the original, deep-fried version, but McDonald’s refuses to go back. 

17: Tallow Fries

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When McDonald’s first started selling french fries, they cooked them in beef tallow. However, in 1990, they announced they were switching to vegetable oil. In response, their stock fell significantly. 

18: Fruit N’ Yogurt Parfaits

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Another victim of McDonald’s 2020 menu trim was the Fruit N’ Yogurt Parfait. Though many are clamoring for this menu item to return, McDonald’s has given no inkling of bringing it back. 

19: Szechuan Sauce

Photo Credit: TYangMD/Shutterstock.com.

Szechuan Sauce was a limited McDonald’s offering to promote the 1998 Disney film Mulan. More recently, McDonald’s used the sauce in a public relations stunt using the popular show Rick and Morty. However, the fast food giant underestimated how much people miss Szechuan Sauce, and when restaurants ran out, things almost got violent.

20: Hula Burger

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In the 1960s, McDonald’s was searching for a way to satisfy Catholics during Lent. So, they developed a meatless burger featuring pineapple and cheese. The Hula Burger still has a devoted fan base despite being discontinued shortly after its release. 

21: Onion Nuggets

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Onion nuggets were the precursor to today’s chicken nuggets, though not nearly as popular. Still, some people continue to reminisce about the deep-fried onion mixture created by Executive Chef Rene Arend (who’s also known for cooking for Queen Elizabeth II). 

22: Mushroom and Swiss Cheese Burger 

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Grilled mushrooms and savory Swiss cheese make for epic burger toppings. Sadly, the Mushroom and Swiss Cheese Burger is probably gone for good. McDonald’s stopped producing “craft-style” burgers in 2019 to focus on more traditional offerings. 

23: Habanero Ranch Quarter Pounder

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The Habanero Ranch Quarter Pounder was part of a limited release in certain California restaurants, where it gained many fans. At the time, McDonald’s was testing new variations of its famous Quarter Pounder, but it seems the Habanero Ranch option didn’t make the cut. 

24: Sweet N’ Spicy Honey BBQ Glazed Chicken Tenders 

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In 2018, McDonald’s launched its Sweet N’ Spicy Honey BBQ Glazed Chicken Tenders as a limited release. Though many fell in love with the sticky, sweet fried chicken pieces, McDonald’s did not extend their availability. 

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Photo Credit: gargantiopa via stock.adobe.com.

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Photo Credit: nenetus via stock.adobe.com.

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