8 Wild Things You Can Find Washed Ashore on Florida Beaches

Heading to Florida for your next beach vacation? If so, keep your eyes on the sand, for you just might find something that’ll leave you scratching your head.

From bizarre marine creatures to mysterious treasures, Florida’s shoreline keeps beachgoers on their (barefoot) toes with surprises.

Sea Pork

Image Credit: abcwildlife/Shutterstock.com.

The sea pork is arguably the weirdest thing you’ll encounter on a Florida beach. This blobby, colorful mass looks like something from another planet but is actually a type of tunicate (a marine invertebrate, for you non-marine biologists). It’s made up of tiny marine animals called zooids that live together in a rubbery, jelly-like structure. Sea pork comes in various colors, from pink to orange to gray.

Despite its odd appearance, the sea pork is harmless. It often washes ashore in large clumps after storms. While it’s not exactly Instagram-worthy, it’s a fascinating example of the ocean’s strange and diverse life forms.

Shipwreck Artifacts

Image Credit: Serge Vero/Shutterstock.com.

Florida’s history is tied to the sea, and sometimes, the ocean gives us a glimpse of its past. Shipwreck artifacts, like old coins, pottery, and even pieces of ship wood, occasionally appear on Florida’s beaches. Some of these artifacts date back to the Spanish colonial period, offering a tangible connection to centuries-old maritime adventures.

In 2020, treasure hunters in Florida found coins from a 1715 Spanish fleet wreck. While it’s rare to stumble upon such significant finds, smaller fragments can still wash ashore after storms or hurricanes. Just keep in mind that Florida law requires you to report certain historical finds, so always check local guidelines before pocketing anything.

Sea Beans

Image Credit: Hudaa.fahrull/Shutterstock.com.

Sea beans are one of the coolest treasures you can find on Florida beaches. These are actually seeds that drift across oceans, often starting their journey in tropical rainforests. The most famous of these is the “hamburger bean,” named for its uncanny resemblance to a mini burger. Sea beans can travel thousands of miles over the course of many years, riding ocean currents before landing on Florida’s sandy shores. They’re a favorite among beachcombers and make for unique keepsakes.

Some sea beans, like the “sea heart,” have fascinating histories. These heart-shaped seeds were once used as good luck charms for sailors. Today, collectors cherish them as natural tokens of the ocean’s vast interconnectedness. Spotting one can feel like finding a tiny piece of a faraway jungle.

Portuguese Man O’ War

Image Credit: BSG_1974/Shutterstock.com.

The Portuguese man o’ war is as stunning as it is dangerous. Resembling a jellyfish, this creature has a translucent, balloon-like body with a purple or blue tint. Its long, trailing tentacles can deliver a painful sting, even when it’s washed ashore. While it’s a mesmerizing sight, it’s best admired from a distance.

These creatures aren’t actually one organism but a colony of smaller organisms working together. Often spotted on Florida beaches after strong winds or storms, they’re a reminder of the ocean’s wild and unpredictable nature. If you see one, take a photo, but resist the urge to touch—even a lifeless man o’ war can pack a punch.

Loggerhead Turtle Nests

Image Credit: SLSK Photography/Shutterstock.com.

Florida’s beaches are crucial nesting grounds for loggerhead turtles. While you’re unlikely to see a turtle washed ashore, you might spot signs of their nests. These are marked by subtle depressions in the sand or by protective barriers put up by conservation groups. Loggerhead turtles return to the same beaches where they were born to lay their eggs, often under the cover of night.

During nesting season, which is usually from April to September, you might even witness tiny hatchlings making their way to the ocean. It’s a magical moment that highlights the importance of protecting these vulnerable creatures and their habitats.

Buoys and Fishing Gear

Image Credit: ijimino/Shutterstock.com.

Buoys, fishing nets, and other gear wash up on Florida beaches fairly regularly, providing a glimpse into the world of commercial fishing and maritime travel. Some buoys are marked with numbers or letters, hinting at their origin or purpose.

While these items can be interesting, they’re also a reminder of the growing problem of marine debris. Fishing gear left behind can pose a hazard to marine life, making it important to dispose of any debris you find responsibly.

Mystery Foam

Image Credit: Strannik_fox/Shutterstock.com.

Foam isn’t an uncommon sight on Florida beaches, but not all foam is created equal. Sometimes, it’s just harmless sea foam created when waves churn up organic material. Other times, it could be linked to an algae bloom or pollution.

Natural sea foam often has a whitish or tan color and can create mesmerizing patterns on the beach. However, if the foam has an unusual color or smell, it’s best to steer clear. Scientists are constantly studying these occurrences to better understand the balance between natural processes and human impact.

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Image Credit: ViDI Studio/Shutterstock.com.

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Image Credit: frantic00/Shutterstock.com.

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