How US Firearm Violence Compares To 14 High-Income Nations
The United States takes center stage when looking at global firearm violence. Statistics reveal the stark disparities that exist between the U.S. and its major economic counterparts regarding firearm mortality rates.
U.S. Firearm Fatalities Per Year

The U.S. experiences approximately 11.9 firearm fatalities per 100,000 people each year. To put that into perspective, Americans are 25 times more likely to pass away at the hands of a firearm homicide than citizens of other high-income nations, including the following 14 countries.
1: Sweden

Sweden experiences 2.8 firearm deaths per 100,000 citizens yearly. The firearm ownership rate in Sweden is relatively high, at 23.1 registered weapons per 100 citizens. However, the country has strict regulations on purchasing and owning firearms.
2: France

Each year, there are about 2.4 firearm-related deaths in France per 100,000 citizens. France has some of the strictest firearm regulations in Europe but has had issues with citizens importing weapons from neighboring countries like Belgium.
3: Canada

In Canada, firearm deaths sit at just below two per 100,000 citizens. Though Canada ranks sixth in the world for firearm ownership, it has rigorous firearm control laws, especially around handguns.
4: Norway

Norway only sees 1.5 firearm deaths per 100,000 citizens each year. Though there are over 28 registered firearms per 100 citizens, most of these are for hunting and outdoor pursuits. Norway requires strict background checks and training before making a firearm purchase.
5: Israel

There are 1.3 firearm deaths per 100,000 citizens in Israel yearly. Very few people own firearms in this Middle Eastern country, and gun-control laws are especially strict.
6: New Zealand

New Zealand has about 1.3 firearm-related deaths per 100,000 citizens each year. Many Kiwis own firearms to hunt or use in recreational pursuits, but after the 2019 Mosque Church shooting, New Zealand significantly tightened rules on firearm ownership.
7: Italy

Italy only sees 1.2 firearm-related deaths per 100,000 citizens yearly despite having a relatively large number of firearms per capita. The boot-shaped country has tight firearm laws, including registration and storage restrictions.
8: Germany

Germany averages one death per 100,000 citizens related to firearms each year. To own a firearm in Deutschland, citizens must obtain a possession card from the local authorities.
9: Australia

The land down under sees less than one firearm death per 100,000 citizens per year. In 1996, Australia issued one of the largest gun buyback programs ever to exist, during which the government confiscated over 650,000 weapons.
10: Ireland

In Ireland, there are approximately 0.9 firearm-related deaths per 100,000 citizens per year. Few people own high-powered weapons on the Emerald Isle, with only 7.2 registered firearms per 100 people.
11: Spain

Spain experiences 0.6 deaths attributable to firearms per 100,000 people each year. The low number may be attributable to Spain’s strict firearm laws. Citizens cannot purchase weapons for home protection; only hunting-related firearms are legal.
12: United Kingdom

The U.K. only sees 0.2 firearm deaths per 100,000 citizens per year. After a school shooting in Scotland in 1996, the United Kingdom chose to ban handgun ownership.
13: South Korea

There are 0.1 deaths from firearms per 100,000 citizens in South Korea. Strict ownership laws forbid assault-style weapons and require citizens to obtain a license before purchasing a firearm for hunting.
14: Japan

Japan has a firearm death rate of zero. The island nation has strict laws surrounding ownership and possession. Japanese cultural norms also emphasize crime prevention through means that don’t involve utilizing a firearm.
States With the Highest and Lowest Firearm Fatality Rates

Most Americans would agree that too many citizens lose their lives to firearms. However, some states have higher rates of firearm fatalities than others. These are the states with the most and least annual firearm fatalities.
States With the Highest and Lowest Firearm Fatality Rates Ranked From 1 to 50