Man upset with his phone.

Top 20 Apps Americans Are Looking To Delete From Their Phones

Whether it’s checking the news, watching the latest viral video, or looking at baby pictures posted by a relative, we spend a lot of time on our phones. The apps we download help us stay connected to the information and the important people in our lives. 

However, we spend so much time looking at screens that sometimes we need a break. The difficult decision is which apps to delete to reduce screen time. 

TorGuard’s data looks at which apps Americans want deleted from their phones. The list may make you reconsider if your most-used apps need a kick to the curb to help you disconnect.

Trends in App Deletion

Woman looking at her phone.
Photo Credit: nicoletaionescu via

TorGuard determined its list of 20 apps that Americans want to delete the most by looking up search terms related to the deletion of popular apps in the U.S. The data was then analyzed alongside the total number of searches for each app. For example, phrases such as “How to delete Tinder” were used to determine that app’s deletion trend. 

Worth noting is the fact that Facebook and Instagram were not included on the list. TorGaurd believes the search terms and user numbers for those apps were too large; they excluded them to make the list more balanced. Can we blame them? Instagram alone is reported to have 1.5 billion monthly users. 

The following are the top 20 apps Americans want to delete the most, starting with the app people most desire to get rid of. The lower the user ratio per search, the greater the percentage of people who want to delete any given app.

1: Tinder

Photo Credit: Prathankarnpap via

Number of searches relating to deleting Tinder: 183,960

Number of Users Tinder has: 7,860,000

User ratio for deletion: 1 in 43

2: Telegram

Photo Credit: Natee Meepian via

Number of searches relating to deleting Telegram: 158,800

Number of Users Telegram has: 10,890,000

User ratio for deletion: 1 in 69

3: Snapchat

Photo Credit: Julien Eichinger via

Number of searches relating to deleting Snapchat: 1,395,660

Number of Users Snapchat has: 106,240,000

User ratio for deletion: 1 in 76

4: Amazon Prime Video

Photo Credit: Thapana_Studio via

Number of searches relating to deleting Amazon Prime Video: 1,913,490

Number of Users Amazon Prime Video has: 164,000,000

User ratio for deletion: 1 in 86

5: X (Twitter)

Twitter and X logos.
Photo Credit: lesslemon via

Number of searches relating to deleting X (Twitter): 979,050

Number of Users X (Twitter) has: 105,420,000

User ratio for deletion: 1 in 108

6: Roblox

Photo Credit: Diego via

Number of searches relating to deleting Roblox: 89,390

Number of Users Roblox has: 15,600,000

User ratio for deletion: 1 in 175

7: Kik

Photo Credit: SoniaBonet via

Number of searches relating to deleting Kik: 31,730

Number of Users Kik has: 7,200,000

User ratio for deletion: 1 in 227

8: YouTube

Woman watching YouTube.
Photo Credit: Alex Photo via

Number of searches relating to deleting YouTube: 898,870

Number of Users YouTube has: 239,000,000

User ratio for deletion: 1 in 266

9: TikTok

Girl looking at TikTok.
Photo Credit: Natalia via

Number of searches relating to deleting TikTok: 554,640

Number of Users TikTok has: 150,000,000

User ratio for deletion: 1 in 270

10: Duolingo

Photo Credit: Daniel CHETRONI via

Number of searches relating to deleting Duolingo: 195,830

Number of Users Duolingo has: 57,000,000

User ratio for deletion: 1 in 291

11: Facebook Messenger

Photo Credit: oatawa via

Number of searches relating to deleting Facebook Messenger: 552,390

Number of Users Facebook Messenger has: 190,850,000

User ratio for deletion: 1 in 345

12: WhatsApp

Photo Credit: AlexPhotoStock via

Number of searches relating to deleting WhatsApp: 215,740

Number of Users WhatsApp has: 79,600,000

User ratio for deletion: 1 in 369

13: Spotify

Photo Credit: wichayada via

Number of searches relating to deleting Spotify: 211,410

Number of Users Spotify has: 100,000,000

User ratio for deletion: 1 in 473

14: Uber

Photo Credit: Diego via

Number of searches relating to deleting Uber: 246,300

Number of Users Uber has: 131,000,000

User ratio for deletion: 1 in 532

15: LinkedIn

Photo Credit: wichayada via

Number of searches relating to deleting LinkedIn: 298,560

Number of Users LinkedIn has: 200,000,000

User ratio for deletion: 1 in 670

16: Bumble

Photo Credit: Sai via

Number of searches relating to deleting Bumble: 15,500

Number of Users Bumble has: 12,300,000

User ratio for deletion: 1 in 794

17: Hinge

Photo Credit: Tada Images via

Number of searches relating to deleting Hinge: 11,360

Number of Users Hinge has: 11,000,000

User ratio for deletion: 1 in 968

18: Reddit

Photo Credit: Diego via

Number of searches relating to deleting Reddit: 49,070

Number of Users Reddit has: 60,000,000

User ratio for deletion: 1 in 1,223

19: Discord

Photo Credit: Tada Images via

Number of searches relating to deleting Discord: 32,850

Number of Users Discord has: 51,210,000

User ratio for deletion: 1 in 1,559

20: Pinterest

Photo Credit: sitthiphong via

Number of searches relating to deleting Pinterest: 57,150

Number of Users Pinterest has: 90,100,000

User ratio for deletion: 1 in 1,577

Dating App Tops List

Photo Credit: motortion via

A majority of Americans want Tinder off their phones. Tinder is also the most downloaded dating app in the world, reportedly being downloaded 530 million times. Bumble, the second most downloaded dating app, is also on the list of apps Americans are eager to get rid of. 

Hinge, another app that made the list, has been marketing itself as a dating app “designed to be deleted.” The clever ads touch on how people using dating apps become frustrated with the lack of success in finding long-term relationships, promising users will find what they’re looking for. 

Controversial Gaming App

Photo Credit: kieferpix via

Roblox’s reason for deletion could be the growing worry some parents may have over their children’s safety on the gaming app. Roblox offers its users connectivity with online players that might be safe for older kids, but concerns linger for parents wanting tighter restrictions on the app. 

Reportedly, Roblox is the second most popular gaming app in the U.S. It’s also a big moneymaker. The app is expected to bring in $2.8 billion in revenue in the year 2024. 

Americans Want Less Messages

Photo Credit: insta_photos via

It’s good to stay connected with friends and family over messaging apps, but Americans could stand to message less. Telegram, WhatsApp, and Facebook Messenger are among the messaging apps on the list. In terms of security, though, all three are rated as some of the best-encrypted messaging apps out there.  

Kik, another messaging app that made the list, is also one that could pose a threat to kids. Parents should be warned that the app lets its users remain anonymous which could lead to messages parents might find inappropriate for their kids to read unsupervised. 

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Photo Credit: nito via

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