Woman in a beach chair.

10 Benefits and Downsides to Calling Florida Home

Florida’s warm climate and lack of state income tax make it an attractive place to call home. But the Sunshine State doesn’t come without its drawbacks.

I relocated to Florida, spending five years there. Overall, I loved my decision. Not all the Florida transplants I met shared the same sentiment, though.

These are some of the biggest pros and cons to know before deciding to move to Florida. Is Florida the right “move” for you?

1: No State Income Tax

Photo Credit: Kimberly Reinick via stock.adobe.com.

Florida is attractive for high-income earners, given that it doesn’t have a state income tax. Heck, it’s attractive for any American who doesn’t enjoy paying extra taxes.

Note that corporate income tax doesn’t have the same leeway. So, if you have a business, speak with a tax professional before moving to Florida to see whether this policy applies to your situation.

2: Other Taxes Are Higher

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It’s not all sunshine and “orange groves” in the Florida tax department.

Timothy Uihlein is a Certified Financial Planner at Vincere Wealth Management. He says that some of the biggest disadvantages of moving to Florida include “higher property taxes and sales tax, a necessary evil in lieu of state income tax.”

So, before you dream of how you can spend the money you save in state income tax, work with a financial planner to crunch the numbers to get a better feel of how much money you may (or may not) have left over.

3: Warm Weather

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Arthritic joints, rejoice! There’s a reason why snowbirds flock to Florida in the winter. That said, non-Floridians often make the mistake of believing that all of Florida is hot all year round.

The truth is that northern Florida can get quite cold in the winter, often experiencing frost and sometimes snow. In contrast, Florida’s heat can be brutal during the summer. Personally, I view Florida’s hot, humid weather as a pro, but that’s certainly not the case for everyone.

So, do your homework to determine where in Florida is the best place for you to live weather-wise.

4: Natural Disasters

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Florida’s hurricane season is from June 1st to November 30th, with mid-August and late October having the greatest chance of hurricanes. Storm surge is a serious threat to people living along the coast, with water known to rise as high as 25 feet above standard water levels in the worst hurricanes.

Sinkholes are another natural disaster that’s common in Florida, although people rarely think of them. According to some estimates, more than 27,000 sinkholes exist in Florida. These can cause severe damage to all or part of a home.

Due to Florida’s high risk of natural disasters, you may find that your property insurance rate is higher than the state you move from.

5: Lower Cost of Living

Older couple looking at a laptop.
Photo Credit: NDABCREATIVITY via stock.adobe.com.

Not only will you save money on income tax in Florida, but the Sunshine State is relatively inexpensive compared to many states.

According to data from the Missouri Economic Research and Information Center, Florida is the 29th least expensive state to live in America. 

So, you’ll feel a financial pinch if you’re moving to Florida from Oklahoma, which ranks as the lowest cost of living in the U.S. But you’ll feel richer if you move to Florida from states like Hawaii, Massachusetts, or California.

6: Bugs, Oh My!

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Bugs are a pesky nuisance that comes with living in Florida’s tropical climate. Mosquitos are present year-round, but they’re relentless from May to October. Termites can cause major home damage, and Florida is home to the greatest diversity of them, with 20 established species.

It’s wise to hire a pest control company as a preventative measure against termites, cockroaches, and other insects in your home.

Unfortunately, pest control won’t prevent alligators from paying you a visit. Whether you live on the West Coast, East Coast, or an inland destination like Orlando, alligators abound in Florida.

7: Beautiful Beaches 

Miami Beach.
Photo Credit: miami2you via stock.adobe.com.

From trendy beaches in Miami to quiet beach towns on the Gulf Coast, beautiful beaches abound in Florida. 

Generally speaking, the water is clearer and calmer on the Gulf Coast than on the Atlantic. The exception to this is southern Florida, where beaches in and around the Keys enjoy Caribbean-blue water.

8: Traffic Congestion

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Traffic jams can be brutal in Florida. Unless you’re moving to Florida from a major city in the U.S., you could be in for an unwelcome surprise at how long it takes to drive from your house to the grocery store, especially during the winter when snowbirds are present in full force.

Miami is the tenth-most congested city in America. Orlando and Tampa are also notorious for having a lot of traffic. Furthermore, visiting popular tourist beach towns can also land you in a traffic jam.

9: Great for Retirement

Couple walking on a beach boardwalk.
Photo Credit: Jacob Lund via stock.adobe.com.

The Census Bureau’s 2020 data revealed that Florida came in second after Maine as the state with the highest percentage of residents aged 65 years and older.

While a portion of the 21.3% of Florida’s seniors undoubtedly accounts for people born and raised in Florida, it isn’t surprising that many retirees move to Florida.

Florida offers an excellent quality of life for retirees, along with a sense of community, retirement-friendly recreational activities, and more.

10: Crime

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Florida sits about smack-dab in the middle for homicide crimes in the U.S., ranking in spot 23.

So, your new city in Florida may feel more or less dangerous to you, depending on the state β€” and the area within that state β€” you’re traveling from.

Can’t Stop Me

Driving across a bridge.
Photo Credit: Ann Stryzhekin via stock.adobe.com.

Based on the U.S. Census numbers from July 2021 to July 2022, Florida has the highest net migration of any state. A massive 444,500 people moved to Florida during that one-year period, which increased by 185,000 from the year prior.

A Looker

Moving truck.
Photo Credit: New Africa via stock.adobe.com.

Florida also has the most people moving in per day, at 1,218. Texas is the second state with the highest net migration (349,575) and the highest number of people moving in per day (958).

Most to Least Expensive States To Retire

Photo Credit: Jade Maas/peopleimages.com via stock.adobe.com.

Are you hoping to settle down in a cheaper state during retirement? These are the states to consider and, equally important, those you’re better off avoiding.

Most to Least Expensive States to Retire Ranked From 1 to 50

6 Surprising Facts About Florida That Non-Locals Can’t Believe

Image Credit: ViDI Studio/Shutterstock.com.

Think you know Florida? These are some truths about Florida that might surprise you. Unless you’re a Floridian, of course.

6 Surprising Facts About Florida That Non-Locals Can’t Believe

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