15 Practical Tips for a Happy, Healthy Relationship
Love is one of the most wonderful things humans can experience. But it can also have its difficulties, even for the most suitable partners.
These are some tried and true tips that have kept some couples in healthy, long-term relationships. How many have you and your partner put into practice?
1: Keep Dating

Dating shouldn’t end when you become exclusive and get married. Instead, it’s wise to make it a point to have date nights, days, or long weekends. Make a point to schedule your dates; it’s easy enough to let one or more slip by when life gets busy.
2: On the Same Team

According to Psychology Today, partners often explode at each other over the smallest things when their relationship is out of balance, and they don’t voice their discomfort or lack of happiness about it as it’s happening. The bottom line? Don’t let things that bug you build up. Talk about them early on so you can work on finding a solution with your partner.
3: Laugh It Off

Lack of sleep from a newborn baby, stress at work, and in-law issues can be the antithesis of laughable situations. But finding moments to laugh each day is important for helping to keep romance alive with your other half.
4: Listen Closely

Conflict is inevitable in any long-term relationship, and you can better through it by learning phrases like “help me understand” instead of pointing fingers. Truly listen to your partner and let them finish speaking so they feel heard. By doing so, you set the stage for how you expect them to treat you when you have something you want them to hear.
5: You’re My Best Friend

They say you should marry your best friend; treating your partner as your best friend day in and day out is equally important. Go above and beyond to do little things to show them that you care.
6: When the Going Gets Tough

Abusive relationships aside, it’s not always worth throwing in the towel on a long-term relationship when the going gets tough. An outside perspective can make all the difference. Instead of solely relying on your best friend to vent your complaints, try consulting a professional via individual and couple counseling.
7: Keep ‘Em Separated

Many married couples will agree that having separate activities is vital to a healthy relationship. Having your own hobbies, interests, and groups of friends fosters personal growth, which is an essential part of maintaining your autonomy in a relationship and sparking new conversations with your partner.
8: Let It Go

It’s a common saying that you should pick your battles, and being in a relationship is the ultimate test of this. Let the small things go. As long as you and your partner are continually working on being the best versions of yourself, there’s no point in fighting over the small stuff.
9: Stay Loyal

It may seem obvious, but it must be said: Unless you’re in a consenting open relationship, one of the pillars to maintaining a healthy relationship is not to cheat.
10: Common Sense

Manners aren’t just for the dinner table. Simple, polite responses go a long way to make a person feel appreciated. Thanking your partner for small, everyday things like bringing you a cup of coffee can go a long way.
11: Keep Secrets

It may be tempting to divulge details of big fights and marital problems to friends and family, but it’s often better to have each other’s backs instead. While ranting and getting people’s advice can be healthy in certain circumstances, you wouldn’t want to taint other people’s image of your partner by being angry about something that, in the big picture, isn’t a big deal.
12: Try Harder

The concept that a truly good relationship shouldn’t feel like work is misguided at best. Partners who constantly make an effort for each other instead of taking the easy road often have happier and more fulfilling relationships.
13: Cheerleader

Being your partner’s cheerleader is key to a healthy long-term relationship. Even if the topic doesn’t interest you, showing you support them by asking about their progress on a project or showing up to one of their chess games won’t go unnoticed.
14: Keep It Spicy

Things can get routine in the bedroom after years of being with a partner, so make an effort to mix things up. We’ll leave it to your own research about exactly how you want to go about that.
15: Sleep Happy

Try not to go to bed furious at your significant other. You don’t have to have all the details worked out about whatever you disagreed on, but setting a time limit on how long you stay ultra-angry can help break the ice to start finding a solution.
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