Tourist holding a camera.

Breaking Down the Truths Behind Common Stereotypes of American Tourists

Many Americans unknowingly act in ways that pinpoint them as an American tourist when they’re abroad. I’ve been in those shoes.

Now that I have over a decade of experience traveling, I’ve developed a keen eye for these funny (and sometimes cringe-worthy) American tourist clichés. Here are some of the top contenders.

1: Everything Old Is Marvelous

Woman walking down a European street.
Photo Credit: IndividualOne via

Americans aren’t used to seeing truly old architecture, given that the United States has less than 300 years of history. So, gawking at old architecture is understandable. The potential issue lies when American tourists want to touch everything old they see and squeal every time they see something old that’s new to them. That can grow tiring to the locals.

2: Being Obnoxiously Loud

Woman covering her ears.
Photo Credit: fizkes via

American culture tends to praise people who are outgoing and chatty. This can come off to locals as Americans being too loud. Sometimes, American tourists are straight-up obnoxious with their loud and attention-seeking ways, especially if they’ve had a few drinks.

3: Rocking Knee-High Socks

Girls wearing colorful knee-high socks.
Photo Credit: FamVeldman via

Monkey see, monkey don’t. Knee-high socks are an easy and harmless American tourist stereotype. White socks are the classic stereotype, but some Americans go wild with wearing socks with flip-flops.

When in doubt, study the local population and other tourists. It’s unlikely you’ll see them in knee-high socks, so follow suit unless you’d like to buck the trend.

4: Expecting Everyone To Speak English

Tourist asking for directions.
Photo Credit: twinsterphoto via

Just because English is a universal language doesn’t mean everyone can speak it. Some Americans resort to embarrassing tactics to get their message across, including shouting and seemingly angrily acting out the message they want to convey.

5: Getting Rowdy Over Baseball Caps

Baseball cap with baseball glove and baseball.
Photo Credit: Scharfsinn via

Americans love sports, but they’d be wise to keep their opinions about opposing teams to themselves if they don’t want to stand out abroad. Similarly, hollering enthusiastically about a shared favorite sports team with a stranger based on their baseball cap can cause an embarrassing scene overseas.

6: Overly Cheerful

Happy couple traveling.
Photo Credit: Xavier Lorenzo via

I’ve had personal experiences with people from other countries commenting how annoyingly cheerful Americans are. While people from some parts of the world are raised to have upbeat, smiley personalities, it can seem intimidating and obnoxious to cultures where an introverted personality is praised.

7: Utter Confusion

Confused woman.
Photo Credit: kues1 via

Perhaps it has something to do with English being a universal language, but Americans have a knack for looking perplexed when their meal or service isn’t what they expect despite it being as described. One’s fish dish comes with the head attached to the fish’s body? Forget it.

8: Being Agreeable

Friends laughing at a table.
Photo Credit: Pressmaster via

Americans are too agreeable, according to some. For people coming from cultures that value directness and a healthy debate, American tourists who go along with everything said to avoid upsetting someone can annoy other nationalities to the core.

9: Refusal To Learn the Metric System

Measuring tape
Photo Credit: Eduardo via

Few locals will fault tourists for slipping out a number in miles instead of kilometers. However, many Americans’ lack of effort in learning the metric system can frustrate some. Americans have the advantage of being able to travel nearly anywhere in the world with fewer language barriers than many. The least they can do is learn the world’s most widely used measurement system.

10: Traveling Heavy

Luggage belt.
Photo Credit: Aris Suwanmalee via

No, I’m not referring to body weight. Although surprisingly, the United States isn’t among the top 10 heaviest countries in the world. Instead, Americans are notorious for traveling with tons of luggage.

Traveling with a lot of bags has its place in certain circumstances. But drawing attention to oneself at an airport because of excessive luggage or expecting hotel staff to be at their beck and call to help can be embarrassing to fellow Americans around them.

11: They Want Diet Everything

Woman looking at a plate of donuts.
Photo Credit: weyo via

Although Americans aren’t among the heaviest in the world, the US is the most obese nation among high-income countries. Yet, ironically for many locals observing American tourists, Americans make tons of special requests for their meals to keep the calories down.

12: Waiting To Be Seated

Woman at a restaurant.
Photo Credit: BGStock72 via

Most Americans don’t have a wait-on-me attitude. However, it can appear that way to some foreigners, for Americans are notorious for arriving at the entrance of a restaurant and waiting to be seated. The problem? It often doesn’t happen. Walking in a restaurant and choosing one’s seat is normal in many countries.

13: Asking for Western Food

American hamburger.
Photo Credit: Brent Hofacker via

It doesn’t get much more embarrassing to Americans than a fellow citizen who makes a fuss about a restaurant not serving Western food. And, no, not all countries douse everything with ketchup. So, keep your cool if restaurants don’t have it.

14: Phone Belt Holster

Backpacker on the phone.
Photo Credit: Yakobchuk Olena via

News flash: Belt holsters scream American tourist. While using a phone belt holster is a harmless American stereotype, the issue for tourists is that belt holsters can make life easier for pickpockets. So, using a belt holster in a crowded area can make you stand out as an American lacking basic street smarts.

15: Making Eye Contact

Eyes looking to the side.
Photo Credit: bestforbest via

Most Americans don’t mean any harm by making eye contact with strangers they pass on the street. However, receiving eye contact can feel intimidating in other cultures depending on the country and where a person falls on the introvert-extrovert scale.

16: They Believe There Isn’t a Restroom

Photo Credit: New Africa via

Many countries use the letters “WC” to indicate a bathroom. But some Americans aren’t accustomed to knowing what this means. WC is a British term meaning “water closet,” which came about in the 16th century when locals built rooms around their new indoor toilets.

17: A Constant Need To Tip

Tipping with a bill.
Photo Credit: K KStock via

The fact that some countries view tipping as rude surprises many Americans. The surprise is a two-way street; to locals from certain parts of the world, the fact that American tourists don’t know how rude tipping is in their culture can be perplexing.

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Woman at an ATM.
Photo Credit: HappyAlex via

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Photo Credit: Rick Neves via

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