The Worst States for Finding Romance

Are you having trouble finding love in your hometown? It might not just be your town that’s the issue; a study by WalletHub shows that some states are deader ends than others for finding a partner.

Find out if you live in one of the worst states to be single.

Love Doesn’t Win

Man with a highlighter and piece of paper.
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

A study performed by WalletHub ranks the best and worst states for singles in 2023. Experts compared all 50 states across the country and divided their findings into three main categories: romance and fun, dating opportunities, and dating economics. These are the top ten worst states for singles.

1: West Virginia

A bridge in West Virginia.
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

Data shows West Virginia ranks as the least desirable state for singles due to limited opportunities in “romance and fun.” The state has held the 50th spot on the list for years. But in 2023, West Virginia came in at the 46th spot for “dating opportunities” and 42nd in “dating economics.”

2: Arkansas

Mount Magazine State Park viewpoint.
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

Arkansas is the second-worst state to find love in the United States for singles, coming in at 49th place, right after West Virginia. The state ranked 47th for “dating opportunities” and 44th for “dating and fun.” However, it scored slightly higher in the “dating economics” category at 34. 

3: North Dakota

Mountains in North Dakota.
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

North Dakota has the least amount of dating opportunities in the country. The Peace Garden State ranked poorly in “dating opportunities” and “romance and fun,” coming in at 50th and 45th place, respectively. However, it ranked much higher in the “dating economics” category, earning 6th.

4: Wyoming

Farm in Wyoming.
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

Ranked 47th overall, Wyoming’s dating opportunities are slim. The Equality State came in second to last in the “dating opportunities” and 43rd in the “romance and fun” categories. There’s a silver lining, though: Wyoming is the 19th best state for “dating economics,” making it one of the more economical states for dating in the US.

5: Kentucky

Horses on a farm in Kentucky.
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

Rounding out the bottom five worst states to live in for singles, Kentucky has the highest opportunities for “romance and fun” so far, at place 31. The state ranked 39th in “dating economics” and 43rd in “dating opportunities.”

6: Mississippi

Mississippi River in the fall.
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

WalletHub’s study found that Mississippi had one of the fewest movie theaters per capita, contributing to its ranking of 47th in the “romance and fun” department. Overall, The Magnolia State placed 45th in the worst place for singles to live, 29th in “dating economics,” and 36th in “dating opportunities” categories. 

7: Alaska

Road in Alaska framed by mountains.
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

With minimal restaurants per capita, Alaska is the 44th worst state for singles. It came in last for “romance and fun,” 46th for “dating economics,” and a relatively more promising 31st place for “dating opportunities.”

8: South Carolina

Oak trees over a dirt road.
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

Receiving an overall ranking of 43, South Carolina has one of the highest crime rates on this list. With that said, the state’s dating economics placed at number one, making it the least costly state to date. However, its 48th ranking in “dating opportunities” and 33rd ranking for “romance and fun” dragged it into the top ten worst states for singles.

9: Alabama 

Sunset in Alabama.
Photo Credit: ktahaziz via

Alabama ranked as the 42nd worst state for singles to live, placing 40th in the “romance and fun” and 41st in the “dating opportunities” categories. However, it ranked 20th as the most economical state, following Wyoming.

10: Montana

Farm in the Montana countryside.
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

Montana, known for its beautiful nature and wildlife, rounds out the top ten worst states for singles in the US. The Treasure State has few dating opportunities and chances for “romance and fun,” clocking in at 44th and 32nd places, respectively. It isn’t all doom and gloom, though. WalletHub ranked it the 12th best state for “dating economics.”

Gender Balance

Women and men equality.
Photo Credit: Gajus via

When looking for a partner, the gender pool matters. WalletHub’s data found that Georgia, Maryland, Utah, South Dakota, and North Dakota had the lowest gender balance of singles. In contrast, states like Maine, Nevada, and Vermont had the highest. 

Where To Look

Man holding a magnifying glass.
Photo Credit: Rob Byron via

Some singles have succeeded with dating apps like Bumble, Hinge, and Tinder. Others prefer to find their partner the old-fashioned way by hitting the town with their friends or volunteering.

Time To Travel

Woman in a field with her arms out.
Photo Credit: JenkoAtaman via

Washington and Colorado offer the greatest number of online dating opportunities. In contrast, singles using mobile dating apps have a better chance of finding their potential love match in states like Utah and Hawaii.

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Photo Credit: Vasyl via

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Photo Credit: Matthew via

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